Last edited one year ago
by WikiSysop

4 SMW queries

Revision as of 13:29, 23 September 2022 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Changed categories.)

Here you can see some examples for simple queries using the page properties. You can add these queries to any page.

4.1 Creating page lists

4.1.1 Show pages in a particular namespace

[[:+]]  <!-- find all pages in the main namespace -->
[[Modification date::+]]<!-- necessary to filter deleted pages -->

Output example in list style format:

... further results


[[:+]] shows pages from the Main namespace.

[[Myspace:+]] shows pages from the namespace Myspace.

[[:+||Help:+]] shows pages from both the Main namespace and the namespace Help (=OR argument)

4.1.2 Output in category style

[[:+]][[Modification date::+]]

Output example:

4.1.3 Show pages from a category

| limit=4 
| searchlabel=
| format=ol 
  1. Blog
  2. Category manager
  3. Footer
  4. Namespace manager

4.1.4 Pages that start with the same page name string

[[Modification date::+]]<!-- necessary to filter deleted pages -->
| limit=5 
| searchlabel=
| format=ol 

List of pages in the ES namespace that begin with "Edit".

4.2 Results format: Table

4.2.1 Format "broadtable"

[[Modification date::+]]<!-- necessary to filter deleted pages -->
| limit=5 
| searchlabel=
| format=broadtable

4.2.2 Format "datatable"

[[Modification date::+]]<!-- nötig um gelöschte Seiten zu filtern -->
|?Last editor is
| searchlabel=
| format=table
| class=datatable

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