Last edited 2 years ago
by WikiSysop

7 Blog


A blog is a list of comments, questions, or feedback from different users. The blog is often sorted chronologically. Lively communication can arise when blog entries are further commented, recommended, linked with related articles, or placed on a personal watchlist.

7.1 About the blog

The blog is ready to use on the special page Special:Blog.

Blog page
Blog page

This page is linked directly from the main navigation in every new knowledge base.

Blog entry point
Blog entry point

7.2 Characteristics and features

  • A blog entry consists of a title and content.
  • Comments: Users can leave comments to each blog entry.
  • Actions:
    • Delete: Editors can delete their own posts. Administrators can delete all posts. Deleted posts are no longer displayed. Exception: Administrators see deleted items with a red background and can restore them.
    • Recommend: Blog posts can be recommended. It is possible to generate a list of posts with the most recommendations via the timeline filter. (See: Embedding the blog on a page)
    • Linked page: Every blog entry is connected to a wiki page by the system. By default, this is the main page of the wiki. However, other pages can be added as "Linked page". Blog entries can then be filtered for linked pages via the Special:Timeline page.
    • Watch: Own blog posts and comments are automatically added to the watch list.
  • Permissions: It is possible to allow users with read permissions on the wiki to comment on blog entries.

7.3 Adding the blog to a page

If you want to include a view of your blog on another page of your wiki, for example your homepage, you need to insert the necessary code block in the source code of your page.

To include a blog view:

  1. Go to the page where you want to insert the blog or create a new page.
  2. Open the page in Source editing mode.
  3. Copy the following code block to the section in your page where you want to show the blog.
         "showentitylistmenu": true,
         "preloadtitles": {
             "blog": "Template:Blog"
         "preloadedentities": [{
             "type": "blog"
         "headlinemessagekey": "Community-Blog",
          "showheadline": true,
         "usemorescroll": false,
         "morelink": "Special:Blog",
         "limit": 5,
         "sort": [ {
             "property": "timestampcreated",
             "direction": "DESC"
         "lockedfilternames": [
         "filter": [ {
             "type": "list",
             "property": "type",
             "value": [ "blog" ],
             "comparison": "ct"
    After saving the page, you will see a list of existing blog entries based on the filter and sorting criteria you provided.

7.4 Blog parameters

7.4.1 Output format

The following table shows the blog elements and the necessary paramaters to create the output.

Blog output
Blog output
Element Parameters Parameter and element description Type Default value
1 - header headlinemessagekey Header text string Timeline
showheadline Show the header text boolean true
2 - blog menu showentitylistmenu Show or hide the blog menu boolean true
showentityspawner Show the menu item for creating a blog entry boolean true
availablesorterfields Determines which data fields are included as sorting options in the sort menu. Example: allow sorting only by date created or by the user who created a blog entry:



List of typical sort fields

array all
lockedoptionnames Determines which settings for sorting the user cannot change. array []
availablefilterfields Determines which data fields are included as filter options in the filter menu. Example: allow filtering based on Creation date and Linked pages:



array all
lockedfilternames Determines which settings for filtering the user cannot change.

Example: a user cannot change the filter values for Linked pages. The text field is greyed out:

"lockedfilternames": ["tags"]

array []
persistsettings Initial settings and custom sort and filter settings are included in the page url. The url can then be used to create a link to the page with the same filter and sort settings.


boolean false
3 - new blog entry preloadentities
Shows the text field for creating a new blog entry. If it is not set, the text field is not available.

To show the text field:

"preloadedentities": [{"type":"blog"}]

array of objects -
4 - existing blog entry outputtypes It defines the display format of the blog entry.

Standard types are: List, Short, Default, Page. (see examples)

Each blog entry is a "social entity".

object Default
limit Defines how many social entities are loaded initially. object Default
4a - avatar - Shows the avatar of the user who created the blog entry or comment. It is displayed in all output types except List. - -
4b - info area - Link to the comments and "last edit" info. - -
4c - blog entry content - Shows the text body of a blog entry. The output type Default collapses the blog entry content after the first paragraph with a "More" link. - -
4d - actiion menu - Actions: edit, delete, recommend, Linked page, watch


- -
5 - new comment - Text field for creating a new comment. - -
6 - existing comment - Comments include the social tag Recommend.

Each comment is a "social entity".

- -
7 - "more" button morelink Link target of the "more" button. For blogs, it makes sense to link to the page Special:Blog. str Special:Timeline
useendlessscroll More blog entries are automatically loaded after the user scrolls to the end of the blog. boolean true
showentitylistmore Shows a "more" button below the blog which loads more blog entries on click. This is only possible if useendlessscroll is set to false. boolean false

7.4.2 Sorting

Most commonly, a blog shows the latest blog entries first. However, there are many different options for sorting the list of blog entries. Syntax


"property": "timestamptouched",

"direction": "DESC"

}] Properties

There are some common properties of a blog entry that are useful for sorting:

Property Description
timestampcreated creation date
timestamptouched last edit date
commentcount number of comments
ratingcount number of ratings
ownerid username of the creator of a blog entry
ownerrealname real name of the user Direction

Blog entries can be sorted in descending and ascending order. Descending is the default order.

Property Description
DESC sorts the blog entries in descending order
ASC sorts the blog entries in ascending order

7.4.3 Filtering

Without setting the filter parameter, there will be no output on the page.

To show the blog entries of your wiki, include the following codeblock like shown in the code example above:

"filter": [ {
         "type": "list",
         "property": "type",
         "value": [ "blog" ],
         "comparison": "ct"

This filter includes all social entities which match the type blog. Since we only want to show social entities of type blog, we only include blog entries in our filter. If you want to create a social timeline rather than a blog view, you can also add other types of social entities. The following example shows a timeline view that includes blog entries, discussion entries from wiki pages, and user profile information:

"filter": [ {
         "type": "list",
         "property": "type",
         "value": ["blog","topic","profile"],
         "comparison": "ct"

7.5 Output type examples

The output type for a blog is added using the outputtypes parameter. Don't forget to include a comma before and after this parameter (unless this is the last parameter in your code):

"outputtypes": {
        "blog": "Default"

7.5.1 Default

The output type Default shows the content of a blog entry truncated after the first paragraph. To view the full text, users can click on the More link.

"Default" output
"Default" output

7.5.2 Short

The output type Short does not show the content of the blog entry. To view the content, a user has to click on the title of a blog entry. This loads the actual page for the selected blog entity.

"Short" output
"Short" output

7.5.3 Page

The output type Page shows all blog elements, including the comments, in an expanded view.

"Page" output
"Page" output

7.5.4 List

The output type List only shows the title and the timestamp.

"List" output
"List" output

7.6 Setting blog permissions

7.6.1 Using the "commenter" role

In general, all users with edit rights can create blog entries and comments. However, the commenter role in the Permission manager does not allow you to create blog entries. This role only assigns the right to create comments on existing blog entries. See also BlueSpiceSocial permissions.

7.6.2 Using groups

If a blog is integrated into a page, the creation and editing of discussion posts and comments can be restricted to certain user groups. This option does not exist on the Special:Blog page itself.

Add the blog to a wiki page as follows. Then, modify the editgroups, commentgroups, deletegroups, and readgroups as needed.

Important!Only set the groups that you really need, since individual rights are not inherited. Therefore, please read the following explanations carefully!
    "showentitylistmenu": true,
      "preloadedentities": [{
       "type": "groupblog",
       "editgroups": ["blog_GF"],
       "commentgroups": ["blog_commenter"],
       "deletegroups": ["blog_delete"],
       "readgroups": ["blog_reader","blog_GF","blog_commenter","blog_delete"]
    "headlinemessagekey": "My Blog",
    "showheadline": true,
    "usemorescroll": true,   
    "limit": 5,
    "sort": [ {
        "property": "timestampcreated",
        "direction": "DESC"
    "lockedfilternames": [
    "filter": [ {
        "type": "list",
        "property": "type",
        "value": [ "groupblog" ],
        "comparison": "ct"

Im Objekt preloadedentities werden die unterschiedlichen Berechtigungen definiert:

Name Value (examples) Description
type groupblog The type groupblog allows setting group-based permissions on a blog.
editgroups ["blog_GF"] Permission to create blog entries
commentgroups ["blog_commenter"] Permission to create comments
deletegroups ["blog_delete"] Permission to delete blog entries and comments
readgroups ["blog_reader","blog_GF","blog_commenter","blog_delete"] Read permission:

All groups listed in editgroups, commentgroups and deletegroups must also be listed here explicitly if this group is defined.

Important notes:

  1. If the blog already exists on a page and the group assignments are created later, the permissions will not be applied to existing blog entries.

  2. There is no inheritance if a group definition is given explicitly. E.g., a user group that is in editgroups but not in commentgroups (if exists) cannot add comments.

“editgroups” exists:

  • Only users in these groups see the button to start a new blog entry.

“commentgroups” exists:

  • Only users in these groups see the “answer here” button and can add comments.

“deletegroups” exists:

  • Only users in these groups see the delete link and can delete other users' posts. Note: “sysop” users can always delete or restore a post. See below for sysop user read permissions.

“readgroups” exists:

  • Only set if necessary, as there is no inheritance. If present, all user groups of the other blog groups must be added here.


  • If the blog_GF user group is in editgroups but not in readgroups, the create button is not displayed despite explicit editing rights. If the blog_commenter user group is in commentgroups but not in readgroups, the new blog entries that have this setting applied will not be visible. If the user group blog_delete is in deletegroups but not in readgroups, the new blog entries are not visible and therefore cannot be deleted.

user group “sysop”:

  • If readgroups is not defined, group sysop can delete all blog entries
  • If readgroups is defined and sysop is not part of this group, sysop cannot see blog posts and therefore cannot delete them from the page. But with a direct link to the actual blog page, the sysop user can delete/restore the entry from there.
Important!The default user group "sysop" cannot be added as a user group to a definition. For example, to assign read rights to an admin user (if "readgroups" exists), the user must be added to a user group defined in "readgroups" ( e.g. blog_reader)


To avoid switching to the default Special:Blog page at the end of the blog, the more-button must be set as a scroll button instead of linking to the special page. To do this, set (as already indicated in the example):

"usemorescroll": true

7.7 Configuration

In the Config manager, you can change the following settings:

7.8 Notifications

If users want to receive notifications about blog posts in the wiki or by email, the setting "Entity actions on watched pages" must be activated in the user settings ("Notifications" tab).

Notification settings
Notification settings